Sunday, August 24, 2014

Yoga Me to Sleep

After picking up the girls this morning we head over to the zoo for a fun filled day of animals. The day starts off with a nice lunch in a huge pavilion followed by ice cream treats and a couple of special animal visitors. Who would have thought a snake would be the biggest hit. If it were me I would run away screaming like a little girl but all the kids loved it. 

Next stop, petting the stingrays at Stingray Beach. Note to self: next time pick up a map to take along with you at the front of the park. Seems a no brainer but we didn't and got lost, turning what should have been a small jaunt into a long trek. No worries though we used the opportunity to stop at some other exhibits along the way. 

A was like a kid in a candy store. Every two seconds she would run off squealing, "oh look it's a (insert random zoo animal)."  We ran into the camel rides along the way which I have to say was kind of a rip off. I mean five bucks a piece for one short, and I mean short trek around in a circle. Luckily they passed by the baby camels who came out to say hi which totally made it worth it for the girls anyway. 

While the girls were getting off we just happened to notice that oh hey there are the stingrays. Just about passed them up without realizing it. We head inside, slip a couple bucks to the ladies at the desk and come away with two halves of a small fish to feed to the stingrays. Gross I know, but it was worth a try. We head to the pool and A and I (B chickened out) put the fish in between two fingers and then dip our hands under the surface of the water. In no time flat stingrays are gliding over and swoop up to suck the fish right out of our fingers. Just imagine huge flappy mouths opening up and sucking up the fish like a vacuum. A little unnerving at first but worth the experience. 

We continue to lean over the pool and hold our hands in the water to pet the slimy backs as they pass by. At one point A jumped sky high because a stingray came up from behind her and bumped her hand when she wasn't expecting it. Funniest thing ever. As I laugh the same thing happens to me and I about take a dive into the pool. My turn to get laughed at :). 

Anyway the day is long filled with lots of walking in crazy heat that only gets hotter as the day goes by. By the time we leave I'm exhausted and ready for a shower. Then unfortunately it's off to work at the casino. 

Needless to say I just want to crash when I get home but again my body is aching from all the exertion today. I like how well the other yoga routine worked out so I think I will do another one tonight. 

Just gonna be lazy tonight and put up the pics from the post. I'm pretty sure I won't last to write about my experience as I will more than likely fall asleep half way through. So goodnight, see ya tomorrow. Wish me luck. 

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