Saturday, August 9, 2014


The only thing worse than the things that go bump in the night is waking up and realizing you've been devoured by creepy crawlies in the middle of the night.  Not gonna lie, spiders really creep me out and knowing that they have been crawling all over me in the middle of the night is even worse.  I'm the kind of gal that runs squealing from just the sight of an eight-legged monster.  Unfortunately for me our new house is inundated with them and so, apparently, is my sister's house. 

My niece has been waking up recently with multiple large, quarter sized, spider bites all over her body.  We can't seem to find the culprit and it doesn't seem to like anyone else.  It's just a little freaky.  The bites are so big I'm starting to wonder if a vampire is sucking her blood.  So far she hasn't turned into a blood sucking vampire though.  So in the interest of saving my dear niece from being eaten alive I've decided my pin for today will be how to repel spiders.

How to Repel Spiders

Since the spiders were crawling on her in the middle of the night I thought it would be best to make the repellent into a lotion or wash instead of just spraying it around her bed.  We ended up making a wash by adding a couple of drops of peppermint oil to a small spray bottle of water.  She then spritzed herself with the solution and rubbed it around much like you would do with bug repellent. 

I tried it on her last night and amazingly she did not have any new bites when she awoke this morning.  Myth definitely confirmed, spiders do not like peppermint oil.  I will of course now be spraying around my entire house as well.  Much better then spending loads of money on pest control while also avoiding all those nasty chemicals. 

Essential oils like peppermint, lavender, etc are extracted from plants and used for various purposes.  One little known fact is that plants secrete these oils as natural insect repellants and therefore the extracted oils can also be used for this purpose, hence why peppermint oil can repel insects such as ants and spiders.

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