Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Total Melt Down

I wake up this morning uber excited and roll out of bed with a silly grin on my face, head to the bathroom and hop in the shower.  By the time I get out my chest is puffed out, my chin tilted up and my super hero cape is blazing out behind me.  I parade into the living room, hop on the computer and get ready to start my new life.  A life in which I move, create, change, anything but stagnate.

As I pull up Pinterest and start wading through my numerous pins looking for something to do, the insurmountable mountain that is my task starts to weigh heavily on my sagging shoulders.  Sixty-five boards with god knows how many pins per board and we're talking thousands of pins.  I mean where do I even start?  Sitting there head in my hands I'm reminded of how I feel when I try to clean my house and realize that it is a total disaster.  I mean not just messy, we're talking natural disaster, tornado just tore through my house messy.  You start off pumped up to get it clean and then the overall task becomes so daunting that you end up depressed on the couch with a tub of empty ice cream on your lap.

This is where the total melt down comes into play and I trudge into the kitchen for said tub of ice cream.  While walking into the kitchen my nose curls up in disgust as once again the sewer stench that is my garbage disposal hits me full on.  Ugh just one more thing I can't control adding to the pile of things that make me depressed.  Then it hits me.  Why can't I do something about it?  I'm sure I have a pin somewhere to take care of this very issue.

I run back to the computer, cape once again billowing out behind me, to look up something I pinned on how to rid your garbage disposal of its horrible stench.  As I'm running through the house on my way back to the kitchen my husband looks at me funny and yells, "what on earth are you doing woman?"  I mumble something about Pinterest and garbage disposal and breeze past to save the day.

Here it is, my pin for the day.  DIY garbage disposal refresher

Apparently you heat up half a cup of lemon juice and add it to half a cup of baking soda.  The directions warn to do this in a very large bowl and they aren't kidding.  This stuff fizzes up like crazy.  Anyway, then you pour it down your sink, flip on the garbage disposal and then run some water down it for good measure.  After all was said and done my disposal no longer smelled like sewer, but it did smell like rotten lemons.  Not sure that was much of an improvement.  Kinda wondering if I did something wrong or if it was just too good to be true.  We will wait and see how it smells tomorrow.

All in all my first pin didn't work out so well, but you live and you learn.  At least I tried.  And even though it was just something small I did feel good getting out there and doing something.  I imagine I will have many more failed attempts in the future, but I will also have some great successes.

I can't wait to see what tomorrow will bring.  Wish me luck.

1 comment:

  1. Update on the DIY garbage disposal refresher. I noticed that after the initial day of application the rotten lemon smell went away as well as the sewer stench. So far the garbage disposal no longer smells of anything and hopefully will continue to do so. So I guess the pin worked after all. Note for the future: be patient and have some faith ;)
