Now what I had intended for today was to fix the leak in my sink but as it turns out I need something called pipe thread tape in order to install the new sprayer and I just couldn't bear the thought of a return visit to Home Depot. Note to self: next time read the directions before leaving the store.
On the verge of a precipice between total depression and insanity I decided to create some order in the chaos instead and bring back a modicum of control to my life. Aka I decided to make some lemonade.
Running through my pins in my organization board, I came across one called thirty five ways to organize your kitchen. Awesome, if I can't fix the kitchen, I'll organize it. As I'm flipping through the thirty five tips on organizing your kitchen however, only two actually have to do with actual organization the rest are on how to display your china, etc. Par for the course.
So I decide to take on the two tips that look good and ignore the rest. Number one, use a partitioned drawer to put away your Tupperware. If you are anything like me your tupper is scattered a million ways to the wind under a cabinet and every time you open the door stuff comes flying out. Just trying to find a lid that fits takes an hour. Who wouldn't want everything neatly placed according to size and easily accessible instead of piled under a cupboard?
Fifteen minutes later I have everything stacked by size in the drawer, lids placed neatly beside the containers and dozens of odd tuppers without matching lids laying beside me on the floor. There must be a leprechaun that runs off with odd lids as well as socks. Now the only problem I had with using the drawer was where to put the Tupperware and other stuff that is too tall? Hmmm no idea so back under the cabinet they went, albeit a little more organized this time.
Number two, organize snacks and food in the pantry (except I don't really have a pantry just extra cupboards). I had some extra baskets laying around that I thought would work great so I rounded them up and started stuffing my husbands snacks in one and mine in another. I then put breakfast items to the right of the baskets with packaged foods lined up in the bottom cabinet. After I was all done it looked great and I could actually find stuff, like my Oreo cookies, don't mind if I do. ;)
Big sigh. Ahhhhh. I feel better now. Time to go smell the roses and head to bed. Wish me better luck tomorrow.
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