Sunday, August 24, 2014

DIY Luminary

I remember watching the movie Tangled with my nieces and becoming mesmerized when they sent off all the paper lanterns. There is just something enchanting about watching the slow flicker of a candle light up the colored tissue paper of a Chinese lantern. So when I came across a pin on how to make your own paper lanterns that we could also incorporate our pressed flowers into I couldn't resist. 

We set about gathering our supplies. Amazingly we were able to use stuff we already had lying around the house. 

DIY Luminaries

Wax paper
Pressed flowers

Step 1:  Cut out four pieces of wax paper. Cut them out so that when folded in half they will be the size you want the faces of your lantern to be. Each girl picked different sizes. 

Step 2:  Place your pressed flowers (or any flat decoration) in between the pieces of folded wax paper in any layout you desire. Just be sure they aren't too close to the edges of the wax paper as this will prevent a good seal when ironed.  

The girls spent most if the time figuring out the layout for their lanterns. The ideas behind their layout were quite interesting. For instance B's told the story if the life of a flower each stage a different face of the lantern all the way from blooming and wilting to the aftermath of a tornado.  No joke. She's so cute. 

Step 3:  Once you have the layout you desire take it to the ironing board. Place the iron (low to medium heat) flat onto your wax paper and let rest for five to ten seconds. When you lift the iron gently slide it of the wax paper and proceed to press the entire face of the wax paper. It will leave some wrinkles but don't worry these aren't that visible later on. 
My niece A was quite worried about this at first, but even she thought they looked great at the end. 

Step 4:  Use your tape to attach each panel together. Place to faces next to each other so they slightly overlap (make sure the side you want up is facing you) then place a piece of tape over the seam. The tape should be slightly longer on each end. Then flip the faces over and fold over the ends of the tape. Repeat for all the faces, creasing each seam as you go. 

Et voila you have a beautiful paper lantern. You can add embellishments as my niece A did or as B said you can also add a bottom and a handle to make it into a basket. There is no wrong way, go crazy and just have fun.  Here is the lantern A made, she added a lovely border of purple Popsicle sticks for decoration and added support. She's so creative. Definitely the crafty one in the family. She is always making things out of toilet paper rolls or sewing up felt food. I love it. She truly inspires me. 

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