Friday, August 8, 2014

Get Your Ninja On

Sasuke allstars
Everyone has their favorite athlete. For me it is more a set of athletes, the all-stars of Sasuke a Japanese obstacle course challenge where contestants pit their strength against Midoriyama in the search for total ninja victory. Over the years people from all over the world have traveled to Japan in order to compete, only three competitors actually having accomplished total victory and joining the elite as a ninja warrior. While the Japanese all-stars like Nagano and Yammamoto will always be my favorites, America has its own set of all-stars like Kasy Catanzaro who are quickly becoming dear to my heart. Last night I was watching the American version, American Ninja Warrior, and fell asleep dreaming of becoming the next American Ninja Warrior and achieving total victory and as I woke up this morning I realized that if I am to become the greatest ninja warrior of all time I will need myself a ninja costume. Okay maybe not but I came across one of my pins on how to turn a t-shirt into a ninja mask and I just couldn't resist.
How to make a ninja mask out of a t-shirt in five easy steps:

The process turned out to be pretty easy.  For the first step I definitely recommend tying back long hair first otherwise it will get in the way the entire time.  Also make sure you have the upper part of the shirt down over your eyebrows before you tie the sleeves back or it will be hard to pull down over your eyebrows later.  The second step goes just as it says, you tie the sleeves back behind your head.  Easy peasy.  Then you roll the upper neck piece under and then pull the bottom part of the neck up over your mouth and nose and tuck the collar under. 

All in all it turned out quite well.  I will say I didn't have a black shirt so I used a gray one instead and unfortunately the tag was printed onto the inside of the shirt and therefore showed.  It still turned out decent. In fact, my mother-in-law who was looking through the pictures on my phone later actually thought my selfie of my ninja mask was a terrorist.  I giggled at that.  I was thinking I could add a long sleeve black shirt and some black yoga pants and wear it as my Halloween costume this year.  Cheap and decent quality costume.  Would work great for a kids costume for Halloween as well.

Just in case you were wondering how my ninja mask turned out, here it is.  I warn you though it's a little scary. :)



  1. Make sure to blog about that Halloween costume. I want to see how it looks, maybe you could make a pin about it! Instead of just doing pins and also link it to your blog with directions. A lot more exposure that way!

  2. Sounds great. I think I've just found my Halloween costume for this year. I will post pics with a blog when I do it. Thanks for the input.
