I was never much for yoga I always preferred pilates, but I'm always willing to give it another go.
So here it is: 10 Yoga Moves to Stretch Your Way to Slim and Sexy
This one was easy, in fact I've been doing them regularly to help with core strength. It is also great for the arms too.

Next up, downward dog. I actually always loved this move. Feels good on my hamstrings.

Not as easy as it looks. I did my best, but there was no way I was getting my leg up that high.

This move was also a little hard for me. As a modification I first went back into downward dog and then transitioned to this move.

Again I can never quite get my leg into this position in one move. I usually get it as far forward as possible then scoot it up more afterward.

Try not to pull your adductors here. I know it sounds weird but I definitely think I pulled something on that one.

Again I didn't get quite that much extension. Please be smart and work within your range.

My hips were really tight.

I felt it best for me at this point not to go into this pose, I just held the last one a little longer.

Phew you've made it. Oh wait just kidding now you have to do it all over again on the other side. If you are still feeling spunky after that then do a whole other round on each side. Great routine for strengthening the core and arms, but unfortunately I still hate yoga. I gotta tell ya though I was wiped after once on each side. Maybe if I keep it up it will get easier. Wish me luck.
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