Being sick is no fun, but it's even less fun when you have the stomach flu. Thankfully I'm not the one with the stomach flu (knock on wood), but unfortunately my sister is uber sick complete with sudden turmoil disorder in TCM lingo (i.e. vomiting and diarrhea, TMI I know, sorry). I felt really bad and helped her out as much as I could. Later that afternoon I was really hungry so we ordered pizza for lunch, which of course my sister couldn't eat, she could barely hold down water. So of course I felt awful eating in front of her when I know she is hungry but can't hold down food. Honestly I think she really needed to drink some warm broth or soup, but she is incredibly picky about what she eats. The only soup she really eats is Anderson's Split Pea Soup.
If that is the only soup she eats, then that was what I was determined to get for her. I searched two different stores top to bottom, but alas couldn't find any. I guess they just don't carry it in Nebraska so I came up empty handed and disappointed her again. :(
Never fear, I decided I would go one step further and just make the stuff myself. ;)
So here it is Split Pea Soup, Anderson's Style
Step 1: Gather your ingredients
8C Water
2 C green split peas
1 rib of celery, coarsely chopped
1 large carrot, chopped
1 small onion, chopped
1/4 tsp thyme
1 dash of ground red pepper
1 bay leaf
salt and pepper to taste
Here I am chopping up my carrots, yummy. Hopefully Monkey still tries it even though she hates carrots.
And here I am chopping my celery. BTW if you were also wondering what exactly a rib of celery is, it is one stalk or piece of celery.
Here I am chopping my onion in two seconds with my handy dandy new chopper that my lovely family got for my birthday. I love it. I just peeled it, cut it in half and broke it into a few pieces, threw it in and with only a few turns of the lid had the onion chopped up in no time.
Step 2: Note: the original recipe says to add everything to a saucepan and boil vigorously for 20 minutes, then reduce heat, cover and simmer until the peas are tender. As I started this later in the evening, I decided to just throw it all in the crock pot instead.
Add the water to the crockpot, then add in your veggies.
Pour in the split peas. I found out that 2 C is equal to a 1 pound bag.
Then add your spices.
Salt and pepper and cayenne (crushed red pepper). I left the last part out and added extra salt instead since I know my sister hates pepper and cayenne, but loves salt. In fact, I think I am the only one in my family who can't stand salt. Or butter.
Step 3: Cook in the crock pot on low until the peas are tender, about 6-8hrs. Once don't pour through a fine sieve and either blend or crush some of the peas to make the soup smoother.
There you have it folks. I set my crock pot to low and am letting it cook tonight while I sleep. Hopefully it turns out just like Anderson's split pea soup. We will find out in the morning. Wish me luck.
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