Sunday, October 19, 2014


The girls tried on their dresses for Halloween today along with the jewelry grandma made for them. They pranced around in them all night until sister finally told them it was time for bed. We had loads of fun taking pictures and twirling around. We even whipped out the blow dryer to get that windswept model look. It didn't turn out quite like we planned but it was absolutely hilarious and made for a good time. 

Butterfly helped me cut out the material for her cape tonight. No pattern we just winged it and it came out great. Next up it was time to do Monkey's cape for her Aphrodite costume. Butterfly found the most amazing light pink fabric with silver sparkles on it for the cape and I found a great little pin on how to make your own no sew Elsa cape I figured would work out great. 

The pin had you make your own pattern, but I didn't have the right kind of paper and wasn't up for taping together a million pieces of computer paper so I just winged it on the fabric itself. Here is how I did it. You can find the actual pin here with great directions ( 

Step 1:  I measured Monkey from collar bone up over the shoulder and down to the floor. This will be the length if the cape. The pin called for an 18" width. 

Step 2:  Here is where you would make your pattern. Refer to original pin for instructions. 

I deviated because I was cutting it directly from the fabric without a pattern. I folded the fabric salvages together and designated one side to be the top of the garment. 

I started off by making the neck hole. Measure 2.5" down from the top of the fabric and place a small bowl (4-6" in diameter) at this point with only half the bowl on the fabric. Make sure to do this on the fold of the fabric. 

Cut around the bowl and round out the edges for the neck piece as shown. 

Cut the fold just at the neck strap. 

Step 3:  starting up by the neck straps cut down to the bottom of the fabric or length you measured making a nice curve as you cut. 

Crappy picture really. The original post has better pictures of this. 

I thought this would be all I needed since I wasn't adding a long train to the cape but decided to curve the bottom as well because it looked funny otherwise making a U shape at the bottom. 

Step 4:  starting from the bottom corner cut up towards the top about 1/4 of the way making sure to curve in a slope as you cut. 

Basically this rounds out the bottom of the cape. 

Step 5:  I wasn't sure this material would hold up to a flame as in the original post so I finished off the edges by stitching all the way around with a zig zag stitch. 

Unfortunately it didn't come out as long as I wanted because I didn't get enough fabric, but otherwise it looks great. Now I just need to stitch in some Velcro or a snap for the neck closure. 

Hope the capes are as big of a hit as the rest of their costumes. Wish me luck. 

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