Now even as a massage therapist who can do trades with other therapists this is just not feasible. That leaves self massage, but how to massage your own butt? I normally just use a tennis ball, but this takes a long time to methodically go through all the trigger points in the gluts. What I need is something I can use to quickly and easily massage large areas like the gluts, hamstrings, and quadriceps.
While in San Diego I had the opportunity to massage a lot of BUDS trainees (AKA navy seals). These guys work hard and as a result abuse the heck out of their muscles. One of my patients alerted me to the functionality of a foam roller and how great it is for self massage. I never really used it much myself at the time, but was aware of how much easier it made my job if the guys used it on a regular basis. As sore as my muscles are now I think it's about time I learned how to use mine properly.
I found this really great info-graphic on Pinterest showing how to use the foam roller for massage of a variety of muscles. So I rolled it out and thought I would share my trials and tribulations.

The one for the IT band is a doosey. It hurts, a lot. My IT band is apparently very, very tight and as such is incredibly sensitive. Too sensitive for the hardness of my foam roller. I will have to try it another way in the future. I did roll up at the top of the hip, however, to get the Tensor Fascia Latae.
I also did my hamstrings which worked out really well. I will say though that it takes a lot of core and arm strength to hold yourself up. I got a pretty good workout. The gluts were also really sensitive, but doable. I also improvised and flipped over to roll out my quadriceps the same way as I did for the hamstrings (just on the front side instead).
All in all it worked out pretty well and I think I will continue to roll out my leg and glut muscles in the future. Wish me luck.
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